在编制男性不育症的诊断治疗法共识指南时,所应当考虑到与P(问题或人群), I(干预方案),C(比较)和O(结果)相关联的八个优先问题
(1)男性不孕症的发生率是多少以及由于男性不孕引起的不孕不育所占的比例是多少?(What is the prevalsence of male infertility and what proportion of infertility is attributable to the male?)
(2)是不是所有的男性不孕症患者都需要进行详尽的检查?(Is it necessary for all infertile men to undergo a thorough evalsuation?)
(3)常规精液的临床ART/non-ART的值是多少?(What is the clinical (ART/non ART) value of traditional semen parameters?)
(4)影响生育的生活习惯中哪些是关键因素(关注点是肥胖、热吸收和抽烟)What key male lifestyle factors impact on fertility (focusing on obesity, heat and tobacco smoking)?
(5)补充口服抗氧化剂或草药治疗是否可以显著影响男性不育患者的生育能力?(Do supplementary oral antioxidants or herbal therapies significantly influence fertility outcomes for infertile men?)
(6)男性不育症患者进行基因筛查的证据基础是什么?(What are the evidence-based criteria for genetic screening of infertile men?)
(7)患者的肿瘤治疗史或类似的治疗是如何影响他和他的伴侣的生殖健康的?(How does a history of neoplasia and related treatments in the male impact on (his and his partner’s) reproductive health and fertility options?)
(8) 精索静脉曲张对男性生育能力的影响是什么?精索静脉曲张的矫正治疗是否会改善精子的质量或男性的生育能力?(what is the impact of varicocele on male fertility and does correction of varicocele improve semen parameters and/or fertility?)
(2)是不是所有的男性不孕症患者都需要进行详尽的检查?(Is it necessary for all infertile men to undergo a thorough evalsuation?)
(3)常规精液的临床ART/non-ART的值是多少?(What is the clinical (ART/non ART) value of traditional semen parameters?)
(4)影响生育的生活习惯中哪些是关键因素(关注点是肥胖、热吸收和抽烟)What key male lifestyle factors impact on fertility (focusing on obesity, heat and tobacco smoking)?
(5)补充口服抗氧化剂或草药治疗是否可以显著影响男性不育患者的生育能力?(Do supplementary oral antioxidants or herbal therapies significantly influence fertility outcomes for infertile men?)
(6)男性不育症患者进行基因筛查的证据基础是什么?(What are the evidence-based criteria for genetic screening of infertile men?)
(7)患者的肿瘤治疗史或类似的治疗是如何影响他和他的伴侣的生殖健康的?(How does a history of neoplasia and related treatments in the male impact on (his and his partner’s) reproductive health and fertility options?)
(8) 精索静脉曲张对男性生育能力的影响是什么?精索静脉曲张的矫正治疗是否会改善精子的质量或男性的生育能力?(what is the impact of varicocele on male fertility and does correction of varicocele improve semen parameters and/or fertility?)
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