


  • 癫痫
  • 精神分裂症
  • 鱼鳞病
  • 白癜风
  • 唇腭裂
  • 多指并指
  • 特发性震颤
  • 白化病
  • 色素失禁症
  • 狐臭
  • 斜视
  • 视网膜色素变性
  • 脊髓小脑萎缩
  • 软骨发育不全
  • 血友病









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广东会GDH基因,通过基因解码技术,一种对基因检测和基因测序后的数据进行分析,解读、解码,用生活化的语言提供正确教育、婚育指导、生育解决方案、正确治疗的高科技公司,为我们每一个人的未来生活提供“基因解码”芯。正如英特尔为每一个计算机、为互联网提供了计算机芯片一样,广东会GDH基因将为未来每一个人的生活提供“基因解码”芯片。基因解码inside everything的时代正






广东会GDH基因,通过基因解码技术,一种对基因检测和基因测序后的数据进行分析,解读、解码,用生活化的语言提供正确教育、婚育指导、生育解决方案、正确治疗的高科技公司,为我们每一个人的未来生活提供“基因解码”芯。正如英特尔为每一个计算机、为互联网提供了计算机芯片一样,广东会GDH基因将为未来每一个人的生活提供“基因解码”芯片。基因解码inside everything的时代!

   Scene 1:

Jiaxue gene was founded by a group of investigators, most of them have more than 30 years research experience in various medical fields. With scientific leaders joined together from different fields, jiaxue gene is able to develop cutting edge technology and lay out series of innovative products and services. (广东会GDH基因由该领域的专业研究人员创立,他们大多数具有超过30年的研究经验。 不同生物医学领域领袖的加入,使得广东会GDH基因能够不断开发更先进的技术,推出一个又一个系列的创新产品和服务。)Powered by these proprietary intellectual properties, Jiaxue gene started its gene decoding pipeline. In which mysterious, obscure genetic sequences were transformed into guidelines, methods, suggestions to be followed in aspects of daily livings. (在自主知识知识产权的驱动下,广东会GDH基因首先推出了基因解码系列产品,将神秘莫测、隐诲难懂的基因序列转变成为不同生活侧面的指导方案、方法和建议)。

      The genetic information is not only used for precise medicine, it is also applied in bring-up of kids, shielding infants from genetic predisposed diseases which are hidden until gene decoding technology is used to reveal them. (基因解码技术解读基因序列,不仅将基因信息应用在正确医学领域,也将它们应用在孩子的扶养,保护孩子免受隐匿在基因信息里面的疾病的摧残。)To push the application further, Jiaxue gene also developed technologies to measure the compatibility of potential life partners giving inevitable diseased babies as the worst, while the possibility to give birth to gifted child as the best wish. (广东会GDH基因进一步开发了婚恋咨询基因解码,以避免婚姻带来不可避免的婴儿的出生,期望爱情的结晶具有某种特长。)Though controversial, with the aim to reduce the birth rate of unbeatable genetic diseases, Jiaxue gene scientists make every efforts to trap them even before the marriage. (虽然这一技术的应用仍然充满争议,出于降低目前还难以医治的基因病的发生率的目的,广东会GDH基因希望在婚恋时就采取措施。)
Furthermore, Jiaxue gene also utilizes gene sequence coded information to improve the success rate of aided fertilization, chronic disease management and even optimization of a person’s routine events, which brought quality and happiness to daily life. (广东会GDH基因还将基因信息用在提高辅助生殖的成功率、慢病管理、优化日常行为习惯方面,让生活幸福美满!)Comprehensive application of genetic information, in addition to precise medicine, distinguish Jiaxue gene from other institutes. (在把基因信息用在正确医学的同时,广东会GDH基因开发和推广基因信息的综合应用,这使得它卓然不同。)Efforts to meet the requirements of accurate annotation, extend the genetic application into personalized education, marriage and baby design, jiaxue gene investigators work collaboratively and creatively to be the first and the best, leading the field of getting gene decoding technology inside daily life.  (广东会GDH基因在正确解读的基础上,将基因信息应用到个性化教育、婚恋咨询、生育设计,广东会GDH基因的研究开发人员共同合作,通过创新更先进争优,在将基因信息成为日常生活的“芯”动力方面,处于领导地位。)

Scene 2:

The core of jiaxue gene decoding technology is its ability to interpret, translate gene sequence into understandable language. This multidisciplinary, biomedical team take a knowledge-based methodology to make gene annotation.(广东会GDH基因解码的核心优势在于它将基因序列转变为非专业人员可以读、可以用的语言,通过跨学科的生物医学专家团队采用基于专业知识的基因解注释方法)。Currently, most people are familiar with gene test and gene sequencing, in fact both of them can only reveal gene sequence variation, with the influence of sequence difference untouched.(大家耳熟能详的是基因检测和基因测序,但是这两者只能找出基因序列的差异,无法指出这些基因序列差异的影响。)Knowing the importance of the effect, the influence of the gene letter changes, jiaxue gene focused on gene decoding to bring out the guiding power of the gene sequence. (充分认识到基因序列差异对医学、生活的重要性,广东会GDH基因集中力量解读基因信息,释放基因序列对健康幸福生活的指导作用)。Secondly, what gene decoding really means is to delineate the depth and extension that a variant can exert on a subject.(另外,基因解码的实质就是清楚阐明任何一个基因序列的变化对一个人影响的深度与广度)。Different approaches are applied, with mining big data as the starting point.(这可以有不同的方法,贼常用的是大数据的方法) 。

      Jiaxue gene developed an analytic method to patch up the inherent defect of big data mining, making excluded, rare individual gene decoding cases possible. (而广东会GDH基因开发了一个独特的方法体系,弥补了大数据本身的内在缺陷,使得少有、稀有的病例的解读成为可能)。This not only make gene interpretation more accurate, most importantly, it make gene information applicable in various services and products. This makes jiaxue gene to be competitive.(这不仅使得基因解读更为正确,更为重要的是,这才有可能使基因信息用在不同的领域里,赋予广东会GDH基因独特的竞争力)。

Scene 3:

      Since its establishment, jiaxue gene and its gene decoding technology were recognized and accepted by more and more people, institutes. (自创立以来,广东会GDH基因及其产品不断得到个人和机构的承认)The accuracy and the ability to bring practical solution to otherwise desperate situation attracted families to try it, experience it and some of them got amazing results.(在正确解读基因信息的基础上,可以为采用其他方法无法获得帮助的病例带来适用的解决方案,吸引了这些家庭去尝试、体验,很多人获得了惊人的结果。)As for gene decoding, itself is a step forward from gene test and next generation sequencing, with anticipated effects, attached to imaginable situations, tangible products, satisfied services, gene decoding will be rooted in actual market. (基因解码,是对基因检测和基因测序的升级换代,可以获得明确的效果,具有明确的应用场景和切实的产品,通过优质的服务,它一定会深深根植于现实市场中。)First, in precise medicine, gene decoding will gain its standing-point in causative diagnosis, prescription, surgery and health management. (首先,在正确医学领域,基因解码将通过致病基因鉴定、用药指导、个性化手术和健康管理赢得立足点)In coming years, gene information decoded from genetic sequences will play a revolutionary role in education, baby care, infertile reproduction and its solution, perfect baby design.(随后,基因解码将对教育、孩子的成长呵护、不孕不育及其解决方案健康宝贝方面产生变革性的影响。)It is highly anticipated that in 3-5 years or even a shorter period, gene decoding will change our mindset about how these fields are practiced now, which will further accelerate its application, enrich and expand our creative design, and gradually we will be immersed into a world with gene decoding technology inside every daily events from human beings. (可以预期,在3-5年甚至是更短的时间内,基因解码将改变我们这些领域的思维方式,这将进一步推进基因解码的发展,丰富和拓展基因解码的应用,我们将迎来一个基因解码作为日常生活“芯”动力的崭新世界!)

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