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    【广东会GDH基因检测】癫痫基因检测与遗传咨询 3.1 In General Although genetic testing has never been more widely available for patients and families with epilepsies than nowadays, many ethical and psychosocial issues surround genetic testi
























    3.6.2 Genetic focal epilepsies.
    Familial epilepsies in early childhood comprise the syndromes of benign familial neonatal, infantile-neonatal and infantile seizures (BFNS, BFNIS, BFIS). They are characterized by clusters of seizures in the first days or months of life, up to one year of age, resolving spontaneously after weeks to months. Seizures might present as focal or generalized. Interictal EEGs are usually normal. The rare ictal EEG recordings showed focal and generalized discharges. The risk of seizure recurrence later in life is about 15%. Although psychomotor development is usually normal, an increasing number of cases with intellectual disability has been described [52]. In up to 50% of BFIS cases a movement disorder, presenting as paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD), can occur in school age. It is characterized by involuntary short lasting dyskinesias induced by fast voluntary movements. The combination of both diseases is called ICCA (infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis [53]. Both syndromes respond very well on different anticonvulsive drugs. Mutations in KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 have been identified to cause BFNS [9-11]. KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channels give rise to the M-current, a slowly activating potassium current which can be suppressed by the activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors [54]. Co-expression of heteromeric wild type and mutant KCNQ2/3 channels usually revealed a reduction of the resulting potassium current of about 20-30% which is apparently sufficient to cause BFNS [55]. Mutations in the SCN2A gene encoding one of the α-subunits of voltage-gated sodium channels expressed in mammalian brain are found in BFNIS [56]. The first functional investigations revealed small gain-of-function effects of some mutations predicting an increased neuronal excitability [57,58]. For BFIS, PKD and ICCA, two different loci have been described. In up to 80% of patients, mutations were found in PRRT2 coding for the proline-rich transmembrane domain 2 which is the major gene in these syndromes [59]. Recently, a novel mutation was described in the potassium channel subtype gene SCN8A associated to ICCA [60]. Mutations in SCN8A were also found in severe epileptic encephalopathy (see below) and isolated intellectual disability [61]. In all these syndromes the penetrance is high, up to 80% [62,63].

    Patients with mutations in DEPDC5 (Dep domain-containing protein 5) present with a broad spectrum of focal epilepsy syndromes spanning from benign Rolandic epilepsy [64] up to the severe familial focal epilepsy with variable foci (FFEVF). DEPDC5 is part of the GATOR1 complex which acts as an inhibitor of the mTORC1 complex [65,66]. mTORC1 regulates several cellular functions like cell growth, migration and proliferation [67]. In the last years, mutations were found in several genes relevant in the mTOR signaling pathway associated to focal cortical dysplasias which frequently lead to focal epilepsies. Mutations were found in DEPDC5, MTOR, NPRL2/3, PIK3CA and TSC1/TSC2 as germline and somatic mutations. These findings have therapeutical implications since a therapy with mTOR inhibitors (e.g. rapamycin) improve seizures in animal models and patients (for review see [68]). Rolandic epilepsy, also called benign epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spike (BECTS), typically presents at the age of 5-6 years with nocturnal focal seizures of the face and vocal tract [69]. It is considered benign since the epilepsy resolves with puberty and most patients show normal psychomotor development. FFEVF is characterized by focal seizures arising from different cortical areas combined with intellectual disability. The onset ranges from infancy to adulthood [70,71]. Mesial (familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, FMTLE) [72] or lateral temporal lobe epilepsy (autosomal dominant epilepsy with auditory features, ADLTE) [73] can also be associated to DEPDC5 mutations as well as ADNFLE (autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, see below). FMTLE and ADLTE syndromes are characterized by onset in infancy up to adulthood and benign outcome. In addition to germline mutations of DEPDC5 resulting in these familial epilepsy syndromes, somatic mutations in DEPDC5 as well as other genes of the mTOR pathway were identified in brain specimens of focal cortical dysplasias [73].
    The first mutations described for ADLTE were found in LGI1 which was initially described as a tumor gene [74]. LGI1 is important in the regulation of postnatal glutamatergic synapse development and can therefore indirectly influence synaptic processing [75]. Up to 50% of patients with ADLTE are positive for alterations in this gene [76].
    For ADNFLE, a first mutation was identified in CHRNA4 encoding the α4-subunit of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) as the first ion channel mutation found in an inherited form of epilepsy [7]. Later, mutations in the CHRNB2 gene encoding the β2- subunit of neuronal nAChR and CHRNA2, encoding the nAChR α2-subunit were detected [77,78]. All these mutations reside in the pore-forming M2 transmembrane segments. Different effects on gating of heteromeric α4β2 channels leading either to a gain-of-function or a loss-of-function were reported when most of the known mutations were functionally expressed in Xenopus oocytes or human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. The exact pathomechanism is not fully understood, but an increased acetylcholine sensitivity could be the main common gating defect of the mutations [77,78]. Only 5-10% of families are positive for nAChR subtypes [79].
    Genetic testing in focal epilepsy patients: Genetic testing can be performed in patients with benign and early onset epilepsies belonging to the spectrum of BFNS, BFIS or BFIS since genetic confirmation of the diagnosis allows for genetic counseling, may have implications on therapeutic decisions in difficult-to-treat cases (for example more severe early-onset epilepsies with KCNQ2 or SCN2A mutations profit from sodium channel blockers [80] and prevents further unnecessary and stressful diagnostic procedures. Depending on the age of onset, sequencing of the respective genes (KCNQ2/3, SCN2A, PRRT2, better panel sequencing if possible) should be initiated. For all other forms of (familial) focal epilepsies described above, genetic variants are detected only in a small percentage of families and are even less frequent in single patients. A gene panel analysis including the above-mentioned genes might be useful as positive results would have implications for genetic counseling in families. In case of panels are not available, sequencing of LGI1 in ADTLE and DEPDC5 in various other forms of familial focal epilepsies might generate positive results.
    3.6.3 Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathies (EIEE) and severe epilepsies of infancy. The term EIEE comprises a large group of epilepsies with the common features of early onset epilepsy (before the age of 3 years) and developmental problems such as psychomotor delay or regression [1]. Within this group of early onset epilepsies, the term “epileptic encephalopathy” is often used in the broader sense of severe epilepsies accompanied by developmental problems. However, according to the definition given by the ILAE, the term “epileptic encephalopathy” should be reserved to situations in which the epilepsy itself causes ongoing cognitive deficits. Recent studies revealed that the activity of the epilepsy is often unrelated to the severity level of the developmental disturbance. In these cases, the main pathophysiological component might be the genetic defect itself leading to epilepsy as well as to disturbances of brain development. Table 1 summarizes the main forms of EE, the most common underlying genes and their relevance for genetic counselling and/or treatment. The different EE syndromes are defined by the onset of seizures, semiology (seizure types) and EEG characteristics. The spectrum includes well known entities such as Ohtahara syndrome, West syndrome, Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome as well as less defined clinical pictures (unclassified EE). Figure 2 shows an overview of the main syndromes and the respective genes sorted by the age of onset.
    Ohtahara syndrome (OS) is characterized by frequent tonic spasms starting in the first days and weeks of life which are highly pharmaco-resistant. Other seizure types can occur such as focal motor, hemiclonic or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. The EEG shows a characteristic burst suppression pattern (Figure 3). Most patients have developmental problems such as severe global developmental delay and intellectual disability and the mortality rate is high. In 75% of patients, the epilepsy converts into West syndrome, and about 12% of patients present with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome later in life [81].
    West syndrome (infantile spasms, IS) starts between 3 and 12 months of age with clustered and frequent infantile spasms, developmental delay, and the characteristic EEG pattern of hypsarrhythmia. It is defined by high amplitude slow waves combined with multifocal irregular epileptic potentials (Figure 3). The criteria (i) early onset, (ii) other seizures types than spasms and (iii) a recurrence of seizures after seizure freedom are negative predicting factors. In contrast, normal MRI and fast responsiveness to therapy are predictive factors for positive outcome [82]. First line therapeutic options are vigabatrin and steroids.
    All these syndromes are genetically heterogeneous since several genes were described for each of them (Table 1). OS and IS are genetically overlapping as mutations in genes like ARX, SCN2A, STXBP1 and CDKL5 were found in both syndromes [83,84]. ARX (aristalessrelated homeobox protein) is a transcription factor involved in brain development [85]. ARX mutations are also found in patients with a lissencephaly, a severe disturbance of cortical integrity [86]. Several genes affected in early onset epilepsies and epileptic encephalopathies are involved in the (pre-)synaptic vesicle cycle. Examples are STXBP1 (encoding for syntaxin binding protein 1), STX1B and DNM1 [for overview see 87]. CDKL5 is involved in RNA processing and interacts with MeCP2 by mediating MeCP2 phosphorylation [88,89). Malignant migrating partial seizures in infancy (MMPSI) is a highly pharmaco-resistant epilepsy syndrome starting before 6 months of age. Polymorphic seizures with migrating ictal EEG discharges during the seizures are characteristic for the syndrome. A plateau or regression in psychomotor development is a defining attribute [90]. An important gene for MMPSI is KCNT1 [91] which is coding for a sodium-activated potassium channel. The mutations lead to a gain of function which can be reversed by the potassium channel blocker quinidine that has been reported to be useful in single patients [92,93].
    Dravet syndrome (previously known as severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, SMEI) is characterized by prolonged and frequent febrile seizures in the first year of life. Later on, patients develop afebrile hemi- or generalized clonic or tonic-clonic seizures, myoclonic seizures and absences, as well as simple and complex partial seizures. Frequently, obtundation status occurs. Cognitive deterioration appears in early childhood. The epilepsy is resistant to pharmacotherapy in most cases [94]. The major gene in this syndrome as well as the most common epilepsy gene in general is SCN1A, encoding a sodium channel alphasubunit [95]. Functional analysis using heterologous expression systems revealed a predominant loss of function mechanism in inhibitory neurons leading to system hyperexcitability [96]. Genetic testing results are relevant to treatment decisions as sodium channel blockers can aggravate seizure frequency in some Dravet patients [97] while specific orphan drugs such as stiripentol can be used. Although SCN1A mutations occur de novo in most patients, mosaic status in parents is possible and should be ruled out carefully (see above and 37].
    Patients with MAE (Doose syndrome) present between ages 1 to 3 years with generalized tonic-clonic, myoclonic and atonic seizures as well as absences. In many patients, the genetic background of the disease remains unknown. However, mutations in the GABA transporter gene SLC6A1 are found in about 4% of cases [98]. Mutations in SLC2A1 are rare but identification of these patients allows for a specific therapy, i.e. the ketogenic diet [99]. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is characterized by polymorphic seizures combined with developmental delay or regression with onset between 3 to 5 years of age. Frequently, the disease starts as Ohtahara or West syndrome and evolves into Lennox-Gastaux syndrome. Seizure types characterizing LGS are atypical absences, tonic, atonic or generalized tonicclonic seizures including (tonic) drop attacks with high risk for injuries. EEG characteristics are slow spike wave complexes and polyspikes (Figure 3). LGS is very heterogeneous since causing mutations were described in a bunch of genes such as SCN1A, STXBP1, SCN2A and CDKL5, especially when the disease starts in early childhood (see above) [100].
    Common metabolic forms of early infantile epileptic encephalopathies comprise Glut1 deficiency and pyridoxine-dependent epilepsies. Glut1-Deficiency syndrome starts in the first few months of age with clusters of dyscognitive seizures and non-convulsive status epilepticus predominantly in fasting state e.g. just before to breakfast. The children development a severe psychomotor retardation, dystonic features and ataxia (Seidner) [101]. The spectrum of glucose transporter type 1, the glucose transporter of the blood-brainbarrier, associated syndromes is broad since also paroxysmal exercise induced movement disorder (PED), childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) and early onset absence epilepsy (EOAE) starting before 3 years of age were found to be caused by mutations in SLC2A1 coding for Glut1 [15,51,102]. With the ketogenic diet, which bypasses the defect in glucose metabolism, a specific therapy is available.
    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) dependent epilepsies typically start in the first days of life or are even recognized as intrauterine seizures during pregnancy. The seizures are highly pharmacoresistant. Burst suppression patterns and hypsarrhythmia in EEG have been described (Mills) [97]. Affected children show global developmental delay. Sometimes, a history of perinatal problems such as premature delivery or asphyxia pretends symptomatic epilepsy. Biallelic mutations in ALDH7A1 (coding for the alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase antiquitin) and more rarely PNPO (coding for pyridoxamine phosphate oxidase) involved in the pyridoxin metabolism are responsible for these metabolic epilepsies and an early therapy with pyridoxine (in antiquitin deficiency) or pyridoxal-5-phosphate (in pyridoxamine phosphate-oxidase deficiency) should be started [103].
    There are many children who present with non-specific phenotypes rendering targeted genetic testing impossible. In this context, two additional genes should be mentioned since the detection of mutations in these genes might have implications on therapy. Mutations were found in in the potassium channel gene KCNA2 in a Dravet-like phenotype [104] and mutations in the NMDA glutamate receptor genes GRIN2A and GRIN2B are found in patients with non-specific epileptic encephalopathies or epilepsy-aphasia-spectrum disorders. Pathological effects of gain-of-function mutations might be specifically blocked by memantine [18,105].
    Last but not least CNVs were described in several forms of EE in up to 5% of cases including specific phenotypes such as LGS as well as unclassified EE [106].
    Genetic testing in patients with EIEE and severe epilepsies in infancy: For all subtypes of EE genetic testing is highly recommended since a positive result avoids further diagnostics, allows for prognostic estimations and might have implications on therapeutic decisions. In this group of epilepsies, many private and de novo mutations are found. Few genes follow autosomal-recessive inheritance. Due to phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity, a gene panel approach combined with a CNV analysis is recommended. In few cases, e.g. in typical Dravet syndrome or pyridoxine-responsive epilepsy, a targeted gene analysis will be effective. Prior to initiation of genetic testing as well as in cases with positive results, genetic counselling should be offered to parents.
    Genetic testing is recommended in all forms of epileptic encephalopathies since it has important influence in patient`s management. The genetic result helps to define a diagnosis, can spare further diagnostics, give advice for prognosis and genetic counseling and may influence therapy decisions. Prior to genetic testing a detailed genetic counseling is necessary to prevent negative socio-psychological effects in the affected families and unnecessary health costs. To date, only in a few of the common forms of generalized and focal epilepsies genetic testing should be performed as a routine diagnostic step, since major genes and consequences for clinical management are missing in most cases.

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