比较基因实验室人员知识更新明白《Clin Lab Med》在. 2010 Dec;30(4):815-27.发表了一篇题目为《精神疾病的遗传学方法:分子方法》精神类疾病的致病基因鉴定基因解码的国际承认的分析方法,其承认度由同行评义的科学文献为依据。该研究由Dimitrioses Avramopoulos等完成。倡议神经、精神内科、神经内科需要通过致病基因鉴定、及出于查找疾病原因目的基因检分析方法,进一步夯实了基因检测在疾病依断及更有效的治疗中的作用。
长期以来,精神病学实践一直受到精神障碍生物学基础信息有限的困扰。这种限制现在即将结束。 DNA 分析技术的进步和我们对人类基因组的理解,以及我们对基因组特性的新知识以及为生成大量患者和对照样本集合所做的重大努力,为成功的全基因组关联研究铺平了道路。因此,现在每周都会有报道出现在文献中,以确定复杂疾病的新基因。下一代测序方法,结合关联研究和连锁研究的结果,将帮助我们发现缺失的遗传因素,更好地了解精神疾病的遗传方面,并制定将遗传学纳入患者服务的贼佳策略.
The practice of psychiatry has long suffered from the limited information available on the biological basis of mental disorders. This limitation is now coming to an end. Advances in DNA analysis technologies and in our understanding of the human genome, together with our new knowledge of the properties of the genome and significant efforts toward generating large patient and control sample collections, have paved the way for successful genome-wide association studies. As a result, reports now appear in the literature every week identifying new genes for complex disorders. Next-generation sequencing methods, combined with the results of association and perhaps linkage studies, will help us uncover missing heritability factors, achieve a better understanding of the genetic aspects of psychiatric disease, and devise the best strategies for incorporating genetics in the service of patients.